by ippgbl_l5ok80

IPP GLOBAL Inc. was part of a select group of 11 US companies hosted at the US Pavilion of Power Africa by the US Commercial Services at Enlit Africa, 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. The company participated in the Corporate Executive Office (CEO) Programme organized by the US Commercial services, which offered a platform to qualified U.S. companies seeking to expand or enter the Sub-Saharan Africa energy market.
Discussing with representatives of Power Africa, Peter Agbro, CEO of IPP Global Inc. shared that the world must look at a decentralized power generation and distribution system especially in Africa, where communities are decentralized and do not live in large clusters, especially in the rural areas. The decentralized system allows for a true representation of the population distribution, and reduces significant downtime that big power plants suffer when their systems go down.
Small generation and distribution systems allow for quick turn around, and only affect the small community clusters that they serve, as opposed to entire regions, when there is service failure. And it is in the area of niche power generation and distribution that IPP Global can best serve small to medium size communities. Our Modular power plants can be set up easily, quickly and and can be scaled up to meet increasing needs of the users.
Africa is transitioning from dirtier fuel sources to clean energy sources. Africa has an abundance of natural energy which we could all tap into and ensure that in the near future Africa’s energy generation sources are clean and sustainable. To this end, IPP Global Inc. supports the drive to light up Africa to ensure a sustainable future.